Generating commands

If you want to have commands installed with your package you just have to do three things:
1. Generate the file
2. Register the command in your Service Provider
3. Write your logic

Generate the file

Generating the file is easy with Laravel Architect. You just have to go to your cli in the root folder of your package and type: architect make:command CommandName

You have to replace CommandName with the actual command name you want to get.

Register the command in your Service Provider

The next step is to register this command. Your app has to be informed about it. To do so: Open the service provider, it can be found in the src/ directory of your package and is named like your app with a ServiceProvivider suffix. There you have to add to your mount method the command. This could look like this:

 * Bootstrap the application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()
    // Just register them if your app is running in console
    if ($this->app->runningInConsole()) { 
            // The full classname of your command, make sure you did import them.

For further information check out following docs: Laravel Docs - Package development

Write your logic

First, adjust the command's signature. This is the unique identifier that your users will have to type into the CLI. If your signature is foo:make you can call your command with php artisan foo:make later.
For further information check out this link to the Laravel Docs